Flowering and growth height
40 - 50 cm
Attracting bees and butterflies


Attracting bees and butterflies Yes
Delivered as Plant in nursery pot
Flower colour White
Flowering and growth height 40 - 50 cm
Number per m2 7
Per package 1
Place / planting position Sun
Plant type Scented
Type Lavendula

Other information

Spring bulbs and Amaryllises

Pre-orders can be placed until the end of August and will be shipped in the first half of September. Pre-orders with spring bloomers and Amaryllis are sent together in the first half of October.

Delivery time from half of September is 3-7 working days

Perennials on grower's pot and wax amaryllises are expected to be available again from the end of September.

Summer flowering bulbs and perennials

Pre-orders for Summer bloomers are expected to be available again from mid-January. Pre-orders can be placed until the end of February and will be shipped in the first half of March.

Delivery time from half of March is 3-7 working days